June 2021 – HEKAMI OUTDOOR embarked on a strategic advertising initiative, with Kadhila Amoomo placing its trust in mobile billboards to execute a targeted awareness campaign tailored to resonate with potential customers in vernacular languages. This local law firm strategically secured multiple advertising sites, strategically located in the middle-class suburbs of Windhoek and the upscale estates beyond, such as Finkenstein and Elisenheim. The campaign spanned a duration of six (06) months. By choosing vernacular languages, the law firm aimed not only to reach a broad spectrum of targeted consumers but also to establish a personal connection with potential clients. The campaign, encapsulated by the theme “Otuli lilepo Uuntu wOmuntu” (We restore Dignity), speaks directly to clients in languages they understand. This approach not only enhances communication but also underscores the firm’s commitment to restoring dignity through its legal services.

Strategically selecting advertising locations in both middle-class suburbs and upper-class estates, the campaign effectively reaches consumers during key moments of their day. Targeting individuals as they leave for work and return home, the law firm’s brand profile gains prominence, positioning itself above competitors. This strategic placement aims to not only capture attention but also to foster brand loyalty and ensure that the law firm remains top of mind when consumers make decisions related to legal services. Overall, HEKAMI OUTDOOR’s mobile billboard campaign emerges as a powerful tool for creating brand awareness and establishing a meaningful connection with the target audience.